ARWON SOLUTIONS PTY LTD AU - 3061 Campbellfield, Victoria Telephone: +61 (03) 9308 9085 / +61 (04) 37 563 509 Fax: +61 (03) 9308 8644
info@arwonsolutions.com.au www.arwonsolutions.com.au
BRAUN & BRAUN AT - 1190 Wien Tel ++43 1 370 45 37 Fax ++43 1 370 55 7 office@braun-braun.at www.braun-braun.at
VERCO SA Rue Colleau 6D 1325 Chaumont Gistaux Tel ++ 3210 41 37 34 Fax ++ 3210 41 58 21 verco.sprl@skynet.be www.verco.be
C & B EUREKA SHENZEN CO., LTD ShenZhen, China Tel ++86 755 83981010 / 83981080 Fax ++86 755 83981006 sales@cbeureka.com www.cbeureka.com
SHANGHAI EHUI M&E Technology Co.LTD Shanghai, China Tel ++86 21 57610598 or ++86 21 61076255 Cell ++86 13901655009 Fax ++86 21 61304888
sales@eh-technology.cn www.eh-technology.cn
Hong Kong, China
GROUP TOWER ELECTRONICS Hong Kong, China Tel ++ 852 26498171 Fax ++ 852 26497883 steve@gte.com.hk www.grouptower.ebigchina.com
Czech Republic |
ATD ELEKTRONIK s.r.o. Luzenice 10 344 01 Domazlice The Czech Republic Tel.: 379 723 915 Fax.: 379 725 868 info@atd-elektronik.cz www.atd-elektronik.cz
Milexia France SAS
Parc Technologique de St-Aubin
Bât. Mercury II
91190 Saint-Aubin France
Tel (33) 1 69 53 80 00
VERCO France 12 Square du 11 Novembre 57100 THIONVILLE Tel (33) Fax (33) verco@verco.fr www.verco.fr
PANZER GmbH DE - 58840 Plettenberg Tel ++49 2391 917180 Fax ++49 2391 10222 info@panzer-plettenberg.de www.panzer-plettenberg.de
TRG Components GmbH Am Wiesenpfad 43 53340 Meckenheim Germany Tel : +49 (0) 22 25 / 88 89 8-0 Fax : +49 (0) 22 25 / 88 89 8-69 sales@trgcomp.de www.trgcomponents.de
Great Britain
ACAL BFi GB - RG41 2EY Wokingham, Berkshire Tel ++44 1189 788878 Fax ++44 1189 776095 sales-uk@acalbfi.co.uk www.acalbfi.co.uk
CYNTECH COMPONENTS LTD GB - MK4 4HD Milton Keynes Tel ++44 1908 373927 sales@cyntech.co.uk www.cyntech.co.uk |
EPSILON CONTROLS & AUTOMATION IN - 400 86 Mumbai Tel ++91 222 500 4225 Fax ++91 22 500 3590 sales@epsilonfiberoptics.com www.epsilonfiberoptics.com
V5 Semiconductors
# 31/4, New# 22, II Floor
Vani Vilas Road, Basavanagudi
Bengaluru - 560004
Tel ++91 80 2661 0621
ILAN & GAVISH AUTOMATION IL - 49001 Petach - Tikva Tel ++972 3 922 18 24 Fax ++972 3 924 07 61 mail@ilan-gavish.com www.ilan-gavish.co.il
ADR Technology IL - 40600 TEL-MOND Phone : +972 (0) 53 – 229 2208 adr@adr-technology.com www.adr-technology.com |
EL. ITALIA s.r.l. Via IV Novembre, 72 - 20019 Settimo Milanese (MI) P.I. 07620460969 T +39 0233611626 F +39 0226261009 info@elitaliaweb.it www.elitaliaweb.it
CTX KOREA CO LTD KR - 421-808 Gyeonggi-do Tel ++82 32 624 2250 Fax ++82 32 624 2260 hstech@contrinex.co.kr www.contrinex.co.kr
PARAGON ELECTRONICS KR - 152-721 Seoul Tel ++82 2 6679 2345 Fax ++82 2 6679 2343 paragon102@kita.net www.paragon-elec.co.kr |
SEMICON SP Z.O.O PL - 04-761 Warsaw Tel ++48 22 615 7371 Fax ++48 22 615 7371 info@semicon.com.pl www.semicon.com.pl
NOVA ZETA 3 2695-244 Bobadela Tel ++ 351 213 553 930 Fax ++ 351 213 553 939 info@novazeta3.pt www.novazeta3.pt
Singapore |
C & B EUREKA INNOVATIONS PTE LTD 417841 Singapore Tel ++65 67487418 Fax ++65 67487519 sales@cbeureka.com www.cbeureka.com |
Precision Technology PTE LTD 211 Henderson Road #13 – 02 Henderson Industrial Park Singapore 159552
Tel ++65 62734573 ext 125
South Africa
RETRON CC ZA - 2018 Johannesburg Tel ++27 11 786 0553 Fax ++27 11 440 8275 hps@retron.co.za www.retron.co.za
Spain |
Fegemu Automatismos, S.L. Parque Empresarial Zuatzu, Edificio Igeldo 20018 San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa) Spain T +34 943 31 67 99 F +34 943 31 68 18 info@fegaut.com
Milexia Ibérica, S.A.U. C/ Cronos 63 28037 Madrid, SPAIN Tel: +34 917 216 630 E-mail: comercial@milexia.es |
OCTAB Industrielektronik AB SE - 193 40 SIGTUNA Tel ++ 46 8 591 150 00 Fax ++ 46 8 591 150 01 info@octab.se www.octab.se
TRG Components AB-Kontor Box 137 732 23 Arboga Nygatan 40 Tel: 0589-125 23 Fax: 0589 171 85 info@trg.se www.se.trgcomponents.com
PRECIMATION SA CH - 2555 Bruegg / Bienne Tel ++41 32 3 666 999 Fax ++41 32 3 666 920 welcome@precimation.ch www.precimation.ch
Taiwan |
GROUP TOWER ELECTRONICS (Taiwan) Limeted Hsinchu County 30271 Tel ++ 886 3-6672580 Fax ++ 886 3-6672581 info@gte.url.tw www.grouptower.com
The Netherlands
Cematic-Electric B.V. Spinel 200 3316 LG - Dordrecht The Netherlands Tel ++31 74 243 34 22 Fax ++31 74 291 33 33 sales@cematic.nl www.cematic.nl
United States
Gemini Electronic Components Inc.
2 Emery Avenue, Randolph NJ 07869 USA Tel: 973-328-1181 Fax: 973-328-2302 sales@geminielec.com www.geminielec.com
Prime Tech, Inc.
1210 Warsaw Road, Suite 1200 Roswell GA 30076 Tel 770-594-8608 Fax 770-594-5631 info@primetechincusa.com www.primetechincusa.com
Other Countries
Microprecision Electronics SA Rte de l'Industrie 27, CH-1896 VOUVRY Tel 0041 24 481 4343 Fax 0041 24 481 4360 info@microprecision.ch www.microprecision.ch